Can Aye-Ayes See in the Dark?

Can Aye-Ayes See in the Dark?


Can Aye-Ayes See in the Dark? This is one of the many questions that stands out amongst enthusiasts of this unique primate. If you intend to know about its nocturnal abilities and if it can see in the dark, then keep reading.

Can Aye-Ayes See in the Dark?

Can Aye-Ayes See in the Dark?

The Aye-Aye is a mysterious-looking creature that can only be found in the forests of Madagascar. This primate is known for its unique appearance and adaptations.

Because of the way it looks, so many wildlife enthusiasts have come out to inquire about its night vision capabilities.

But before we discover the answer to the above question, let’s find out if it has some nocturnal abilities.

Nocturnal Abilities of an Aye-Aye

The aye-aye is primarily nocturnal, this means that they are most active at night. This characteristic alone, plays along with its foraging habits since its looks for its food like fruits, nectar and insects in darkness.

The question of its abilities to see at night is necessary for us to understand how they locate or get their food at night.

Adaptations for Nocturnal Living

Its eyes have nocturnal abilities which can adapt in a low-light conditions. Their big round eyes of the Aye-Aye comprise many rod cells which has some special photoreceptor cells which makes it excel in low-light vision.


This adaptation of the aye-aye, makes it able to gather light more in conditions where the light is dim. This enhances their abilities to perceive their surroundings at night.

The Role of Tapping and Echolocation

Although vision is crucial, the Aye-Ayes also employ additional sensory mechanisms for moving around at night.

The long and slim middle finger of the Aye-Aye works in two ways namely: To get out insect larvae from the bark of trees and for tap foraging.

Tap foraging comes about when the Aye-Aye taps on surfaces and also listens to the echoes that emits because of tapping. This helps them navigate their food sources at night.


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