Can aye-ayes climb trees? This is one of the questions asked about this unique nocturnal creature called the Aye-Aye.

The Aye-Aye
This creature is a native of Madagascar, the fourth world largest Island, it has exceptional physical features and special behavioral pattern.
They possess big eyes, large ears and a skinny mid finger which make them on of the most remarkable primate in the world. Read on and you will discover if Aye-Ayes are capable of climbing trees.
Arboreal Capabilities of Aye-Ayes
Aye -ayes are arboreal in nature that means they live mostly on trees top, so being able to climb trees is very important.
Listed below are the physical characteristics that help them live on trees.
1. Long Middle Finger
The Aye-Ayes have bony and thin long-middle-fingers which are used to tap on bark of trees in order to locate insects and larva to feed.
After tapping and locating the insects, they use same long finger to extract the preys into their mouth.
2. Nocturnal Nature
The Aye-Ayes are mostly active at night times. The nocturnal nature protects them from the predators and other competitors that operates during the daytime.
3. Large Eyes and Ears
The Aye-Ayes have large eyes and ears; these bulky eyes help them to see and locate their preys at night. Their large Ears help detect sounds and enable them discover their predators and preys.
Can Aye-Ayes Climb Trees?
Aye Ayes can climb trees, they live on trees most of their live time. Read on to see some of their Arboreal behaviour that enable them survive on trees.
- Is Aye-Aye Harmless?
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Arboreal Habits of Aye-Ayes
These are some of the behaviour Aye-Ayes exhibit on trees.
1. Leaping
Aye-ayes are capable of leaping from one tree to another through the help of their hind limps.
2. Balancing
The are able to get balance as the nimble on trees through the help of their strong tail. This strong tail helps in their forage process.
3. Foraging
Aye-Aye feed on insects and larva found on trees, they also feed on fruits, seeds and nectars of trees.
4. Nesting
The Aye-Ayes build their own nest on trees; this is their rest and hiding spot during the day.