Do Aye-Ayes Have Good Eyesight?


Do aye-ayes have good eyesight? is one of the frequent questions people ask concerning this rare and remarkable insectivorous, nocturnal and arboreal primate called Aye-Aye. Here, we will examine the visual capability of this creature.

Do Aye-Ayes Have Good Eyesight?

The Aye-Aye

Aye-Ayes are nocturnal primate and a native of Madagascar. It has bulky eyes, bat-like ears and a prolong mid finger.

Do Aye-Ayes Have Good Eyesight?

Before we delve into the question, let us carefully examine the Aye-Ayes Vision adaptability and their eye structure.

Aye-Ayes’ Vision

Aye Ayes operate mainly at night, so it is necessary for them to have good night sight to enable them detect their predators and preys.

The wide and bulky eyes enable them to receive available light as much as possible to enhance their seeing at night.

The Structure of Their Eyes

Aye-Aye’s eyes consist of many features that enable it see excellently, they include:

1. Large Eyes

The Aye-Aye’s eyes are oversized compared to the size of its head; the large eyes have the ability to gather faint light enabling it to make use of the little light that is available at night to see it way through the dense forest. 

2. Tapetum Lucidum

The Aye-Ayes eyes consist of a reflective layer which is behind the retina known as Tapetum lucidum. This reflective layer is always present in the eyes of most nocturnal animals to aid their seeing at night.


The tapetum lucidum reflects available light back to the retina giving a second chance for the photoreceptors to receive the photons.

This process is what causes the eyes of animal like cat to show a reflective and weird appearance when light is beamed on them.

The Tapetum lucidum and the oversized eyes is an indication that Aye-Ayes have good eyesight. So, answer to the question “Do aye-ayes have good eyesight?” is “Yes” the Aye-Ayes have good eyesight.

3. Rod Cells

The Rod cells present in Aye-Aye’s eyes are very sensitive to light and can detect movements and shape during the night.

4. Color Vision

Aye-Aye’s eyes are excellent in detecting movements and shape in low light but are not good at differentiating colors. Aye-aye has reduced color vision because it is less necessary to detect color at night.

Aye-Ayes have good night vision which enable them to operate effectively during the night.

The tapetum lucidum, bulky eyes and rod cells all work together to give the Aye-Aye good eyesight in reduced light conditions.


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