Are Axolotls Very Smart?

Are Axolotls Very Smart?


Are Axolotls Very Smart? The axolotls are a special kind of aquatic that can be found in Mexico. This creature has been a fascination for lovers of pets and animals alike as many have asked this question: Are axolotls very smart?

Understanding Axolotls

The axolotls which is also known scientifically as Ambystoma mexicanum is a neotenic salamander that is home to Mexico.

The axolotls retain their aquatic larval features all through their life which makes them permanent aquatic, unlike other amphibians.

The axolotls has features as external gills and an endearing appearance which makes them popular amongst aquatic enthusiasts.

Axolotl Behavior and Learning

Axolotls may not have some level of intelligence that can be found in some mammals like cats or dogs but the exhibit some fascinating behaviors that showcases a sign of learning.

Below are some aspects of its behavior that hint on its intelligence:

Feeding Behavior

They are known to be skilled hunter that can capture their prey skillfully. They have an ability to learn and recognize their prey’s pattern of movement. This showcases a cognitive ability.



When in captivity, axolotls encounter some obstacles and structure in the tank. Some observations suggests that they can navigate in their environment and even discover hiding spots and solving simple problems.

Social Interaction

Axolotls are not entirely a social animal but they exhibit some certain behaviors that relates to interaction.

When they are in a tanks with other aquatics, they showcase some territorial behaviors and in some cases they can recognize other axolotls in their environment.

Learning from Experience

They can learn from experiences. For example, if axolotls keep coming in contact with a particular type of prey and it finds it uninviting, it tends to learn to avoid it in the future.

Conditioned Responses

Some studies exposes that axolotls can be trained to showcase conditioned responses. It involves associating a particular stimulus with a particular reward or behaviour, and they may learn to respond to these stimuli.


Even though they exhibit some behaviors that shows a level of problem-solving, learning and recognition, its intelligence operates on a different level that of other complex organisms.


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