Can Axolotl Live With Other Fish?

Can Axolotl Live With other Fish?


Can Axolotl Live with Other Fish? The axolotls, which is often referred to as the “Mexican walking fish” are known for its fascinating features and its unique abilities of regeneration. Many have wondered if they can coexist peacefully with other fishes. Well, we will find out about that here as we go further.

Can axolotl live with other fish?

Understanding Axolotls

Before we go into the discussion of whether it can cohabit or not, it’s important to understand its nature as axolotls.

The axolotls are known as neotenic salamander, this means that they can reach their sexual maturity without undergoing complete metamorphosis.

Unlike other amphibians, the axolotls are aquatic in nature throughout their lifetime and they possess external gills and a full aquatic lifestyle.

They are dutiful in nature and love a cool water environment which makes them a great choice for lovers of aquatic creatures.

Compatibility Factors

There are several factors that influences its compatibility with other fishes and they include:

1. Temperature Requirements

The axolotls survive in cooler temperatures of between 57°F and 68°F (14°C to 20°C). When intending to keep several species of fish together, it’s important to choose the species that can tolerate the same conditions as the axolotls.

Fishes like goldfish, danios or white cloud mountain minnows can stay in the same condition as axolotls.

2. Size and Aggression

The axolotls are slow swimmers and their slow movement might attract the attention of other fishes which are faster and more aggressive in nature.

Choose species that are peaceful and not prone to some behaviors like fin-nipping. Avoid fishes that are fast in swimming or territorial since this may cause stress or harm the axolotls.


3. Tank Size

A spacious tank size has to be provided so as to maintain harmony amongst several species of fish. Most especially, the axolotls need enough space to swim and explore as overcrowding can lead to stress and disputes.

A larger tank also helps dilute waste and makes sure there is a stable environment.

4. Dietary Considerations

Axolotls are carnivorous in nature and may assume that other smaller fishes are potential prey. Large fish species has to be chosen to cohabit with the axolotls so it doesn’t mistake it for food.

Also, ensure that all the fishes in the tank gets adequate diet.

5. Water Quality

The axolotls and other fishes are sensitive to changes in their water quality. Frequent water maintenance is important to prevent the harmful substances such as ammonia and nitrites from building up.

Potential Tankmates

There are several fish species that can stay in the same space as the axolotls. They include:

1. Goldfish

Common and comet goldfish can survive in the same temperature as axolotls and are peaceful.

2. White Cloud Mountain Minnows

These fish which is peaceful is best suited for cool water environments.

3. Rosy Red Minnows

Rosy red minnows can be used as feeders and also serve as tank mates for axolotls.


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