You might be fascinated by cats and have wondered how many cat breeds are there. Cats have been long cherished by man and have been used as pets because of their appearance. Let’s go into details how a cat came to be and the cat breeds that are available.

Cats have been companions of humans just like dogs over centuries. Cats are known to be classified into several breeds each having its own unique characteristics and appearance. Before we go further, let’s find out how cats came about.
How Cats Evolved
Felis catus which is known as the domestic cat is believed to have been domesticated around 9000 years ago in the Near East Region.
After some time, cats were bred by cats for various traits like size, color and behavior which led to the development of various breeds that were distinct.
Classification of Cat Breeds
There are several criteria when it comes to cat breed being classified. This includes the color pattern, coat length, facial features and body type.
The organizations that officially recognize and register cat breeds are: The International Cat Association (TICA) and the Cat Fanciers” Association (CFA). This organizations help promote the breeding and welfare of cats.
Coat Length
This is measured according to the length of hair of the cat. They include:
- Long-haired breeds: The breeds that belong here include the Maine Coon, Persian and Ragdoll.
- Short-haired breeds: They include the American Shorthair, Exotic Shorthair and British Shorthair.
Coat Color/Pattern
This has to do with the colors of the cat breeds involved. They include:
- Solid Color Breeds: The Russian Blue and Bombay are cats that are known for their solid color.
- Calico and Tortoiseshell Breeds: The breeds that exhibit this color pattern include the Japanese Bobtail and Manx.
- Tabby Pattern Breeds: Tabby cats in this category include, American Bobtail and Bengal whose coats are distinctively stripped and spotted.
- Colorpoint Breeds: Cat with these patterns include Siamese and Himalayan.
Body Type
There are two body types in cat breeds. They include:
- Svelte Breeds: Siamese and Oriental are breeds known for their slender and elegant bodies.
- Cobby Breeds: These breeds are known to have a muscular and compact build. They are the Scottish Fold and British Shorthair.
Facial Attributes
They are made up of two types of facial features. They are:
- Normal-faced Breeds: Most of the domestic cat breeds are found in this category with a typical cat face structure.
- Flat-faced Breeds: Cats that have flat and pushed-in faces are found in this group. They are the Persian and Exotic Shorthair.
Cat Breeds Diversity
When we try to estimate the exact number of cat breeds that exist, this can be difficult due to differences in how cat breeds are recognized among various organizations.
However, there are approximately 70-80 cat breeds that are recognized worldwide with new breeds being introduced occasionally.
Popular Cat Breeds
There are some cat breeds that are quite popular among cat lovers worldwide. They often showcase some distinctive traits. They include:
It is well-known for its long coat that is luxurious and a sweet temperament. It is one of the most recognizable breeds in the globe.
It is known for its blue almond shaped eyes and its vocal and is loved by many cat enthusiasts.
It has a wild appearance and spotted coat which gives it the look of a leopard. This breed is best suitable for those that seek an exotic companion.
Scottish Fold
It is known for its unique folded ears and is characterized by an affectionate nature and adaptable temperament.
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Unique and Rare Cat Breeds
Some cat breeds are quite popular than the others. These types of breeds possess distinctive features that set them apart from the rest which are more common and known. Examples of these types of breeds include:
Norwegian Forest Cat
They originate from Norway and are known to possess dense, water repellant coat and a semi-feral appearance.
This breed of cat lacks fur has a wrinkled skin and large ears. This feature makes it stand out as being striking and an unusual breed.
They are also known as “werewolf cat.” These breeds have a partial hairless coat and have a striking resemblance to a wolf and werewolf.
They are known to resemble a miniature tiger. They possess a bold and muscular build that makes them look unique and eye-catching.

Factors that Influences Breed Recognition
There are several factors that affect how breeds can be recognized. They include:
Geographical Variation
This has to do with exploring how certain breed can be more prevalent in some regions because of breeding practices.
Breeder Associations
Organizations like TICA and CFA play a role in establishing breed standards and to help promote recognition.
The history and origin of a breed can influence its recognition and popularity.
Challenges in Classification of Cat Breed
There are several challenges that can affect the classification of cat breeds. This can stall the classification process. They include:
Unrecognized Breeds
There are breeds that are not yet recognized officially but exist in the breeding communities.
There are blurred lines between mixed-breed cats and pure breed cat. This can be challenging when classifying them.
Diversity in Genetic
Genetic variability in cat breeds can have its implication on breed classification.
The world of cat breed is diversified with several breeds having its own special features, appearance and characteristics.
Estimating the exact number of cat breeds can be tedious as cats can come in varied shapes, sizes and colors which will help cat lovers open to plenty options to choose from.